hello you’ve reached the tech hotline
what is tech hotline
Tech Hotline is a service to generate or enhance innovative and creative ideas. The ones, which have never been done before. In our experience, the time invested in research has always lead to smarter and better outcomes. It does so by eliminating unnecessary loops in the production phase, thereby reducing the overall production costs. We document all the findings in a structured manner to help you understand technical peculiarities, we introduce various possible routes and state-of-the-art solutions. As a result, we can then collectively make a decision on the best possible route for the final execution of the project.
tech hotline includes
• Brainstorming Sessions
• Technical Consultation
• Digital Design Consultation
• Direct Phone Line
• Estimations
• Documentation
• Optional: Road Mapping
• Optional: Rapid Prototyping


Best way to start any project is to begin with a research phase. Here, we dig deeper into the topic, build a hypothesis, search for all the possible and sometimes, at first glance even seemingly impossible solutions and verify these. We do so in order to find that one ideal solution, that will fit the idea, timeline and the budget best. Our team would not only concentrate on finding the perfect technology for the project, but also focus on improving and enhancing the idea. We would always be available to jump on a call with your team to answer questions, organise a brainstorm session or to facilitate a workshop, to help bring the idea to life.
_road mapping
Deriving from what we have learned in the research phase, here we focus on one, most suitable solution and prepare it for the production phase. Our main goal during the road mapping stage is to describe in detail a step-by-step guideline for the production of the final product: create a user journey, wireframe, define a solid plan and timeline.We can also assist your team in preparing a pitch deck, join you on meetings and answer questions that the client may have during the presentations.
_rapid prototyping
As an enhancement for the previous phases, our team can produce a “proof-of-concept” prototype of the idea during the Tech Hotline phase. Presenting an initial working prototype to the client is always a great way to demonstrate that this solution is actually working. It also helps to test the basic functionality of it in the early stages and collect valuable feedback. Prototypes can already be used in the early stages of a campaign presentation and can later on be improved and enhanced in the production phase.
Our Tech Hotline played a part in almost every award-wining project that we helped bring to life. Here are few examples of the most prominently awarded ones